Neapolitan fried pizza . The recipes of the tradition

The fried pizza is a tasty Neapolitan specialities, and it seems that there is widespread during the critical period of the second world war, because cheaper than the classic pizza. At the time it was then considered a “alternative”; but, you know, the Neapolitans are skilled in the art to fend and, in reality, have been able to create a yummy alternative to oven-baked pizza. Follow me, and I will explain how to prepare a perfect deep-fried pizza home-made.

P.S. The brother from Emilia Romagna of neapolitan fried pizza is the “gnocco fritto”, a special deep-fried dumpling. Discover the recipe.

Fried pizza recipe

neapolitan fried pizza

The dough for the fried pizza , as all leavened dough rich of protein flour, needs a long processing, therefore always recommend use a planetary mixer .

For the dough

  • 1.1 lb grams of flour from protein pizza, with w 360
  • 10,5  oz water
  • 1/2 teaspoon of fresh yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 spoon of salt


For the dough the evening before mix the yeast in the water and add half dose of flour indicated. Work with the hands in a container. You must form a sort of cream.

fried pizza dought

Cover with cling film and let sit overnight at room temperature.

At the morning add the remaining flour with salt. When the dough is forming also add olive oil.

Work the dough into a planetary mixer until it becomes nice smooth and elastic.working fried pizza dought

Put the dough in a container hermetically closed or covered with cling film and leave to rise for 3 hours at room temperature.

Take the pizza dough and place it on a wooden plank giving a fold in 2.

pizza dought after working

Cover and let rise for 30 minutes.

Formed with the pasta a loaf working it very gently.

pizza dought

neapolitan pizza dought

Cover with cling film for 30 minutes.

After cut the dough forming 8 balls,  and let them rise again for 3 hours closed hermetically in a container in the refrigerator.

cut dought

rise pizza dought

After 3 hours the dough is ready to be used.

Filling of deep-fried pizza

  • 1 lb of fresh ricotta cheese
  • 1/2 lb of mozzarella or fior di latte
  • 4 oz of greaves of pork
  • 1/2 lb of  tomato sauce
  • ground pepper
  • basil
  • oil for frying

Roll out the dough as to make a pizza.

spread pizza dought

Put a table spoon of ricotta in the middle

ricotta cheese

Add some mozzarella cut into small pieces

filled with ricotta cheese

than greaves pork and salami

pizza filled with neapolitan salami

a tablespoon of tomato sauce

tomato sauce

A pince of ground pepper

little bit of pepper

close the pizza

Roll out a secodn disk of dough and cove it. With your hands push around the entire pizza so as to close the two parts perfectly.
After you have closed the pizza, you have to give the classic form of the calzone , then pull very gently to stretch it a little bit .

stretching pizza

Lengthen the pizza while immersed in oil

Put the calzone into the hot oil stretching it again a little bit

fried pizza cooking

Deep-fried pizza cooking

The oil temperature must be at 330°F. The cooking is fast, approximately 30/40 seconds per side. It is recommended to keep the calzone in movement during cooking, by sprinkling it with boiling oil so as to cook uniformly.

deep fried pizza

Drain the fried pizza for a few seconds, and serve it very hot

fried pizza

Info autore
Ciro Cristian Panzella